Friday, August 1, 2014

A prosthesis cranial ceramic

A prosthesis cranial ceramic, designed to Limoges , city cradle of porcelain, could revolutionize surgery maxillofacial through technology, so perfect that it fooled the body itself. "With this prosthesis, we past from prehistory to reconstructive surgery 2.0 " , says Joel Brie, physician serving maxillofacial surgery CHU Limoges, who developed this cranial prosthesis now 3DCeram .

For more than ten years since the doctor works with them on this osteoconductive implant, which is used to treat patients who have lost more than 15% of the surface of the skull . The bet is on track to be successful: "on the first 17 ​​patients operated since 2005, we have zero infection" , provides specialist. "The best reconstruction is certainly always the one made ​​with the patient's bone, but sometimes celui- it has a risk of infection " , he notes.

In other words, before the invention of this prosthesis, medicine did not provide a satisfactory answer to a whole segment of patients. "We can live with part of the skull and less, as you can live with some serious malformations of the skull, but apart from the fact that it is unsightly, there are health risks. These patients often suffer from symptoms of a great trauma: headache, dizziness, irritability, poor concentration, epilepsy  , " says the surgeon.

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