Friday, August 1, 2014

material used in Limoges has the best interface with living tissue

"Bone is able to grip in a ceramic material and the like when it is injured will not grow more than one centimeter, but it is also known that a bony bridge centimeter is sufficient to ensure the strength of the implant . With this porosity, after six months, the bone has recolonized about 25% porous zones and the prosthesis is an integral part of the patient " , welcomes Dr. Brie. "Induced extra cost is largely absorbed by the almost total reduction risk of infection, the remission is less risky, the patient therefore costs less to social security " , he argues, although transaction costs between 10,000 and 18,000 euros depending on the implants, forcing Dr. Brie find additional partners CHU Limoges funding.

With a clinical trial success in 2009, so it continues to operate on patients from all over France, supported by the only innovation CHU budget. In July 2013, he published the results of his research in the scientific journal Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery . When he has gathered a sample of 30 patients, Joel Brie may compile statistics on the benefits of this technology.

CHU Lille or Toulouse that were interested. At Stanford, Dr. Franck Boutault, head of maxillofacial surgery, said the material used in Limoges has the best interface with living tissue. The surgeon, who uses prosthetics Peek (PolyEtherEtherKetone) a  polymer derived also biocompatible technology of 3D printing, questioned the strength of the prosthesis. Why would he be able to experience the method and to an ambitious comparative study.

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