Monday, July 28, 2014

Get on a plane remains the safest activities you can do

Get on a plane remains the safest activities you can do "

An amazing black series. So much so that Tony Tyler, the director of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) was expressed in a press release dated July 24, 2014.

"Every accident is one too many (...) With these three tragedies so close, many people will reasonably ask the question of air safety. (...) However, despite the events of the last 7 days, the aircraft remains a safe means of transport, "he says.

"Every day, around 100,000 flights taking off and landing in the world without a hitch. In 2013, over 3 million people have traveled well, and it is concerned that 210 deaths in the year 2013," he figure (there would have been 265 according Aviation savety Network Ed) .

The equivalent of a plane crash a month on the roads of France.

"We have unfortunately already exceeded that figure this year. But still, get on a plane remains the safest activities you can do," he says.

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