Monday, July 28, 2014

The technology of the central ETM

The ocean receives annually from the Sun an amount of energy equivalent to more than a thousand times the global primary energy demand. This energy is contained in the form of heat in the surface water layer. The ETM method is to rotate a turbine due to the difference in temperature between the deeper layers of the ocean invariably to 4 or 5 ° C and the surface.

The technology of the central ETM by sciencesetavenir

The technique is obviously more efficient in the tropics where the ocean reaches 28 ° C at the surface. The ETM therefore salivate because it generates large intermittently without power could provide energy independence tropical islands. Ifremer had also developed pilot experiences in Tahiti in the 80s.

ICONOCLASTIC. NEMO is not the first OTEC plant because it is an invention from afar. The idea of taking a fraction of the cool depths date there 80 years with the work of French Georges Claude. This iconoclastic engineer since 1930 proves that the exploitation of differences in temperature of the ocean there is vast deposit.

After climbing plants in Cuba and Brazil, Georges Claude does not meet the expected success and turns to gas liquefaction by founding a small company, Air Liquide . Nearly a century later, DCNS took over and dream of equipping many of the tropical islands, market also eyeing the Japanese and Hawaiian competitors. DCNS has set up with the University of Reunion prototype plant land on the campus of Saint-Pierre-de-la Reunion. This driver has validated the technology heat exchangers that will be applied in industrial size in Martinique.

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